
Sunday, June 2, 2019

The Influence Of Green Groups On The Policy Of The United States :: essays research papers

The Influence of Green Groups on the Policy of the joined StatesAbstract This research examines the relationship between environmental groupsand the policies of the United States. The United States political system hasbeen historically anthropocen-tric, or humans centered. Environmental groupshave been attempting to modification this to a biocentric or ecocentric viewpoint,which includes the rights of animals and the environment. These views arenature centered instead of human centered. This study will answer the questionof whether these groups have been effective at altering United States policies.This will be d whizz through the study of views offered by both sides. Also, asurvey will be used to determine whether congressmen views are consistent withenvironmentalist views. It will also present whether policy change has comenplace, and if these changes have remained intact through the study of pastcongressional decisions.Research Problem1. Research QuestionHave environmental gro ups strategies been successful at altering the policiesof the United States?2. Rational for the ResearchThis research will help environmental groups to identify the effectiveness oftheir strategies. This is necessary for these groups to effectively alter thepolicies of the United States, which is one of the largest polluters in theworld. If their strategies are ineffective then it will be necessary for them toreassess their methods. Without the use productive methods these groups willnot be able to hold dear the environment. Animals, plants and the entireecosystem must(prenominal) have the same protection as humans have. An ecocentric viewpointestablishes the right of the environment to have legal standing. This givespeople the ability to have got the right of an animal to exist with the samerights as humans. Without this protection, people will be just as negativelyaffected as the environment. The earth must be thought of as a living organism,if one part is hurt then the whole p lanet will feel the effects. Unfortunately,business and governments take the stance that the earth is more like a machine.That is, at times if a part is hurt it can be repaired, without it effecting thewhole system.Literature retrospectThe literature on environmental groups and their influence and activities isvast. Several themes concerning the groups influence in changing UnitedStates policy exist. The American Psychological Association has done studies onecocentric and anthropocentric attitudes (Thomas, 1994). Ecocentric values havearisen recently as environmental problems have come to the publics attention.Anthropocentric values have existed much longer. They have become commit into our political and economic system.The movement toward environmental awareness arose in the political activism inthe 60s. Although these values have recently been declining according to

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