
Friday, August 9, 2019

Budgeting Process for the State of New York Essay

Budgeting Process for the State of New York - Essay Example As the discussion highlights  the first step of the budget process starts at the subdepartmental level. During this stage, the staff working in various agencies prepares their own requests as directed by the heads of departments. During the same time the agency head arrange for meetings with the program managers during when the budgetary needs of the agency programs are discussed. Even though the official stage of budget preparation takes place between June and September, the agencies analyze their budgetary needs as early as April, May or June. With the issue of a policy memorandum or the call letter to the heads of the agencies by the budget director, the budget process starts.  This essay discusses that a program package is then prepared by each of agency which is then reviewed by the division of the budget before it is approved by the heads of the agencies. Even though it is the staff at the top agency office who decide on the final submission of the agencies, the formulation of the budget requests are different in each of the agencies. In addition, the agency officials who are under obligatory to serve their agency constituencies as needed by the constitution must adhere to the rules set by the governor and the budget director. A notable aspect of the formal budget hearings is that only the representatives selected by the fiscal committee attend the hearing and ask questions. The hearings are closed to the members of the public; however the process is fair and all inclusive. Review of the budget After the heads of agencies approves the program package, the agencies submits the budget requests for review and analysis. The major body within the division of budget that is responsible for the review and the analysis of the budget is the examination body. Apart from analyzing of the budget requests, the examination body may seek for extra information from the agencies regarding their requests. Likewise, the unit holds meeting with the heads of the agencies

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